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Most Probably The Best Malay Maternity Care in Kuala Lumpur
My maternity care began with inheritance
A natural-born masseuse
Hi ladies and mommies. My name is Zarina and my kids call me Mamita. I am a masseuse by nature due to my lineage who were masseuses before me. I lived with my grandmother when I was a child and my grandmother was a mid-wife, and at the same time was also a masseuse. Her grandmother was also a masseuse and that makes me a masseuse too. I observed the massage techniques from my grandmother since I was 7 years old and I stayed with my grandmother until I became a teenager before I moved back to live with my parents in the city centre. Subconsciously, I learnt how to massage from the age of 7 years old until 18 years old, and that alone is 10 years of learning. Among local folks, my grandmother is known as “Kak Melah”.

The turnaround
Years back, I massaged friends and relatives. Only in the mid of 2016, I turned commercial by introducing “Mamita Massage”, a brand name that provided home-to-home massage for prenatal and postnatal mommies in the Klang Valley area. For so many years I am into this maternity care business, I notice some issues mothers face through conversations with them. Many issues pop-up like stretchmarks, loose muscles, less elasticity, white & smelly discharge, irregular menstrual cycle are always on the top of the list. Luckily, my 85-year-old grandmother is still alive and I managed to extract from her herbs and other secret ingredients that she used when she was actively in the profession. As a result, the products I am offering are the result of proven traditional herbs and ingredients from my grandmother.

My GRANDER mission
I truly believe that the massage skill and maternity care are a legacy, to be inherited and is in the blood. This skill can be learned but it is not the same when you have it in you. It is like Picasso and Leonardo Da Vinci in the world of painting. It is either you have it or you don’t, period. The midas touch, that’s what I call it …
I also believe that natural remedies are the best medicine because it is natural, free from human intervention. No preservatives, no artificial colouring and no artificial flavour, and no excessive pricing, unlike Western modern medicines today. I am trying to bring back the traditional practices from the good old days to modern society today. It is healthy, safe and has no side effects, unlike modern pharmaceutical drugs today.
The legend of “Kak Melah” maternity care continues in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia.

Malay Traditional Massage

Prenatal Massage
Caring for pregnancy aches and pain
Getting a pre-natal massage will help you achieve a more relaxed state of mind to cope with the big changes that are going on in your life. It feels good to be massaged.

Postnatal Massage
Caring for after child birth aches and pains
Getting a postnatal massage will give you some time alone. The break will give you the strength to meet many needs of your baby. It helps you relax while your baby is sleeping.
– Massage –
“I’m SURE you guys have heard of Zarina Mustafa, the lady with the magic fingers. Well, I called her yesterday noon, after suffering for days without sleep (I live with chronic pain, several slipped discs and other spinal issues) and she obliged, even though my request was last minute.
I tell you, it really warms my heart to see GENUINELY nice people who not only offers a service but do a great job too. And she takes her time, to ensure you FEEL better. This now, is what i call great QC!
Zarina Mustafa, thank you for urut-ing me last night, I slept like a baby.
I’ve been for many massages, and i only spend time reviewing the best. This, so far, is the best (besides my mak cik maid from indonesia who left a decade ago)”
“Satisfied Customer Feedback – Traditional Malay massage services by Zarina Mustafa”
I gave birth to our 4th kiddo on 4th Nov 2016 and returned back to home on 5th Nov 2016.
I experienced very very sore and tired aches from my waist to back and all the way to my neck when I first tried to sit on the comfy leather chair that my hubby arranged in our room so that I could breastfeed baby.
I have stayed away from the chair since …. read more
I have to give credit where credit is due. Had a massage with Zarina yesterday. She was very prompt and professional. And the massage she gave was really really good. One of the best I’ve had. I am 34 weeks pregnant and I thoroughly enjoyed her massage and also felt rejuvenated the next day. Thanks Zarina. Will call you for another session soon!!
– Nature’s secret –
(Formerly known as V-Tight Secret)
I felt more energetic. I felt that the moodiness has kind of lifted. That’s to me is very important. Because when I am moody, I don’t get things done.
Some of the benefits that I notice after consuming this V-Tight Secret is that I feel happier … less moody … and then … the white discharge had kind of alleviated as well … what I got was … very pleasant kind of discharge in fact … the texture is totally different … and the smell is also different. I don’t know why … kind of… magical … it took me by surprise actually.
But most importantly … the sex part … you know I really like it …. my husband has said that … it brings us closer.
“Hi Zarina I will definitely buang angin within 1 hr of consumption. I only take it at night after food. First few days after taking it, susah nak pass motion. Drank lots of water. After that now it’s back to normal.
I don’t feel any difference in my body except my husband always says it’s enjoyable whenever we do it. I think it’s tighter now because he used to tell me kepit. But not now anymore.
I want to order another bottle from you. Same account izzit?”
“I am feeling less tired, usually I feel very tired but nowadays, these past 2 days after taking your medication a bit less tired like that. A bit more energy and then sleeping well. Not getting up in the middle of the night. These are the improvements that I see. So I thought I just let you know”
Places I visited before

5 Benefits Of Manjakani For Women Health
Manjakani is known to have many benefits to the health of women’s intimate organs as well as to address various illnesses of women. One of the functions is to treat fungus and act as a natural ingredient to make the female intimate organs become more elastic.
8 Benefits of Massage to Our Body
Certainly, there are some of us who loves their body to be massaged. For those who never, you should try to get body massage because the feeling is unbelievable.
5 Steps To Prevent Stretchmarks During Pregnancy
PREGNANT is NOT FUN when confronted with changes that occur in the stomach, many feel like screaming. The stomach that used to be smooth without scars, suddenly there are lines everywhere. That’s the effect of stretch marks. This normal problem always occur among pregnant mothers. In pregnancy term, it is known as stretchmark.
Last updated on 28th July 2024
Mamita Care is not affiliated with any organisations or individuals. Used to be known as Mamita Massage from May 2016 to August 2018.
Contact me at +6010-812 6050 for further details.