Home > Postnatal Care Set
For those who are about to be called …
Are you going to deliver in about 2-3 months from now? Have you surveyed the preparation for confinement later? BUT still do not know what to prepare?
CAUTION! Failure to have a thorough preparation will make you suffer during the confinement period!

Hi mommy …
I know mommy is going to deliver soon. Have you done any preparations? Or you have not done anything yet? Please, don’t take it easy this confinement thingy mommy … confinement is critical to every mommy because:
to re-energise
To get back the LOST ENERGY after struggling to “near death” situation to bring the little loved one to this world
To cure
To CURE the internal and external bleeding due to the extreme pressures during the birth of the baby
to restore
To RESTORE the physical, emotion & mind of the mommy after the delivery so that the mommy can focus on taking care of the baby and also for the future good health
to plan
To create some GAPS for another baby and a healthy future pregnancy period
In these modern days, I notice many young mommies pay no attention to the preparation of CONFINEMENT. Whether you are going to have normal delivery or worst-case scenario, caesarean delivery, CONFINEMENT is COMPULSORY! There is no option actually. These are real cases happened in the past due to the lack of preparation or carelessness during the confinement period:
Continuous bleeding
The pains come back after you are about to heal after the delivery during the confinement period. Not only it is painful during the confinement period, this can also lead to long term effects! This is DANGEROUS!
DEPRESSION is one type of emotional disorders experienced by few unfortunate mommies during the confinement period. Worst cases happened like mommies did not want the babies anymore or purposely hurting the baby and herself.
Extreme Tiredness
The mommy will feel extremely TIRED to the extent that she has no energy to even breastfeed the baby. PITY the baby!
POSTNATAL HAEMORRHAGE. This condition happens when the womb does not shrink or the uterus is left in the womb. HAEMORRHAGE can lead to DEATH!
Miserable Old Age
It is common scenario these days for the INTERNAL HEALTH to deteriorate when growing old and after the body has gone through too many deliveries. The body starts to feel pains here and there, lack of control of the passing of urine, ultimately become cold and less appetite to be together with the husband. PITY the husband …
some facts to digest
Depression after child birth
After the delivery, the mommy will lose a lot of energy, in a position that the mental and physical are at its weakest point. This situation can be classified as “unstable” especially in the first and second week after the birth of the baby.
“This situation needs to be handled and identified quickly, if not, it can be critical and there is a possibility the mother will hurt herself, the baby or the people surrounding her. Therefore, early detection is very important to avoid this critical condition to affect the mother from suffering the depression for her entire life”
Source: WHO report on depression
Article from Harian Metro dated 6th April 2018
So, What Do You Need To Do To Avoid All Those Problems?
To prepare yourself for CONFINEMENT, it must be done properly. Don’t simply do without any GUIDANCE, later the mistakes you do will cost you more harm than good. All the methods and techniques for CONFINEMENT have been tried and tested generations after generations and have been proven to work. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Among the methods are:
MASSAGE, very important to ease the pains and blocked veins caused by the delivery. Massage can also help to calm down mothers during confinement period.
“Tungku” or hot iron can help to shrink the womb, extract the trapped winds and remove filthy blood faster. Old generations used big stones from the river wrapped in herbs years back when the hot iron was not invented.
Inner repair
Oak Galls is a naturally proven beauty and health supplement that rejuvenates, repairs and energises tissues in the female body, especially the intimate organ while building up a healthy immune system and boosting natural antioxidants to detoxify harmful elements.
Girdle or “Bengkung”
GIRDLE or “Bengkung” is very important, no matter whether you have normal or Caesarean delivery in order to fix the womb to its original place and to bring back the shape to its original form. GIRDLE is also used to strengthen the tummy and hip muscles. Mommies are advised to select the GIRDLE according to suitability and comfort.
Ok, enough is enough. I think I have touched on the surface about the needs and benefits of proper CONFINEMENT. I hope you get the whole picture right?
“Where on earth am I going to get all those stuffs?”
I hear you say … do not worry mommy
mamita care postnatal care set
introducing postnatal care set that has been proven to work generations after generations

Mamita Care postnatal care set is 100% specially formulated from NATURAL resources and it is suitable for mommies to undergo CONFINEMENT period in accordance with TRADITIONAL Malay Confinement style. This confinement style has been proven to speed up the healing process and you can become healthy and beautiful like before pregnancy period. This set is suitable to be used for normal and Caesarean.
how i can help you?
my story begins with inheritance

a natural born masseuse
Hi ladies and mommies. My name is Zarina and my kids call me Mamita. I am a masseuse by nature due to my lineage who were masseuses before me. I lived with my grandmother when I was a child and my grandmother was a mid-wife, and at the same time was also a masseuse. Her grandmother was also a masseuse and that makes me a masseuse too. I observed the massage techniques from my grandmother since I was 7 years old and I stayed with my grandmother until I became a teenager before I moved back to live with my parents in the city centre. Subconsciously, I learnt how to massage from the age of 7 years old until 18 years old, and that alone is 10 years of learning. Among local folks, my grandmother is known as “Kak Melah”.
The turnaround
Years back, I massage friends and relatives. Only in the mid of 2016, I turned commercial by introducing “Mamita Massage”, a brand name that provided home-to-home massage for pre and post-natal mommies in the Klang Valley area. For so many years I am into this business, I notice some issues mothers face through conversations with them. Many issues pop-up like stretchmarks, loose muscles, less elasticity, white & smelly discharge, irregular menstrual cycle are always on the top of the list. Luckily, my 85-year-old grandmother is still alive and I managed to extract from her herbs and other secret ingredients that she used when she was actively in the profession. As a result, the products I am offering are a result of proven traditional herbs and ingredients from my grandmother.
the grand mission
I truly believe that the massage skill is a legacy, to be inherited and is in the blood. This skill can be learned but it is not the same when you have it in you. It is like Picasso and Leonardo Da Vinci in the world of painting. It is either you have it or you don’t, period. The midas touch, that’s what I call it …
I also believe that natural remedies are the best medicine because it is natural, free from human intervention. No preservatives, no artificial colouring and no artificial flavour, and no excessive pricing, unlike modern medicines today. I am trying to bring back the traditional practices from the good old days to modern society today. It is healthy, safe and has no side effects, unlike modern pharmaceutical drugs today.
The legend of “Kak Melah” continues in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia.
traditionally prepared generation after generation

Grandmother Legacy
The secret herbs and its preparations were formulated by previous generations and passed to the next generation, which is me.

The ingredients inside the products are made of natural resources, and are known to give the energy back to the users.

Strengthening Muscles
The products focus on internal & external muscles and work towards strengthening it back to its original conditions.

Effective Products
The products have been used generations after generations and proved to work. It is a non-nonsense postnatal package.

Relax & Refresh
The natural fragrant smell from the selected herbs will make you feel at ease, both mind & body and make you relax and refresh.

Beautiful Look
Not only I pay my attention to the internal contents of my products, I also pay an equal attention to the external look and feel of my products.

From The Heart
The products are meant to solve issues in the short term and long term. It has no side effects because I tried it before I commercialise it.

Natural Products
All the product ingredients are naturally found and the use of forbidden chemicals are against my principles and belief.
components inside postnatal care set

Zipped “Bengkung”
valued at RM79.90
This Zig-Zag-Zipped “Bengkung” or girdle is designed specially for mommies who have just given birth. The material used is known as “Belacu” cloth or raw cotton material that is thick and soft so that you can wear it comfortably. This “Bengkung” is designed to cover the whole of tummy area from below the breasts area down until the hips area. The additional zip to the side is purposely made to make it easier for you to go to toilet by unzipping it. Without the zip, you will have to untie the long ropes in front of the “Bengkung” every time you want to go to the toilet.
The benefits of Zig-Zag-Zipped “Bengkung” as compared to those without zip:
Save the hassle of opening the ropes when going to the toilet.
Save the time when going to the toilet when urgency takes its course
A protective layer to protect the skin from accidentally trapped in the zip
The critical coverage is from below the breasts down until the hips area
This zipped version can be worn while lying on the bed
Once adjusted, this “Bengkung” does not require the assistance of others
Fitted with strong zip, not easily damaged and can be washed
There are 2 sizes for the girdle. Please use the measurement before you are pregnant. The measurement is in INCH (Width x Height).
- Size S & M is 18inch x 50inch
- Size L, XL & XXL is 20inch x 60inch

Multi-Herb Oil
valued at RM69.90
Mamita Care Multi-Herb oil is used by mommies traditionally for general health, vitality and strengthen the body after childbirth. The oil is applied externally and mainly good for:
To strengthen body muscles
To relieve waist ache and back ache
Relieve muscular and joint pain
Relieve cough and phlegm
Improving the blood circulation and speed up the recovery process
Mamita Care Multi-Herb oil helps easing the stress caused by stretched veins near the head and neck during the delivery process and it also helps to improve the blood circulation. This herbal oil is applied on the tummy area before wearing the “Bengkung”. It can also be used for massage during the confinement period.

Massage Oil
valued at RM49.90
Mamita Care Massage Oil is used traditionally and exclusively to smoothen the massage process. The oil is applied to the area to be massaged to make sure the area has less friction and will not cause pain to the skin during the massage process. It is made of mainly coconut milk and a little bit of Nigella Sativa. Coconut is a well-known miracle food which is delicious, nourishing, protective and healing. There are many health benefits attributed to the coconut oil. They include but not limited to:
General care such as skincare, haircare, dental care and bone strength
Maintaining cholesterol levels, increased immunity, improved digestion and metabolism
Prevent constipation, soothe and prevent cracked nipples and stretch marks
It is so safe that it can be used to massage a baby
Improving the blood circulation and speed up the recovery process
These benefits are all attributed to the presence of Lauric acid, Capric acid and Caprylic acid in the coconut oil. Coconut oil is just amazing.

Nature’s Secret
valued at RM88.00
Nature’s Secret is a naturally proven beauty and health supplement that rejuvenates, repairs and energises tissues in the female body, while building up a healthy immune system and boosting natural antioxidants to detoxify harmful elements from our system. Among the key benefits are:
Tightening vagina muscles and helps to reverse the loss of elasticity
The product aids in healing external tissue damage after childbirth
The product helps in eliminating itching and unpleasant odour in the intimate area
Control mucus and inconsistent vaginal discharge
Improve breasts elasticity
Above are just some of the benefits of the Nature’s Secret. To know more in details, please click “See More” button down there.

7 Herbs Microwaveable Herbal Compress For Mommy
valued at RM49.90
Mamita Care 7 Herbs Microwaveable Herbal Compress For Mommy or “Tungku Ibu” in Malay language, is specially made for mommy who wants to experience the Malay style confinement using hot compress the modern way. Contain traditional herbs and spices, this herbal compress is meant to be applied to the tummy area.
To extract excess wind, fat, water and postpartum blood from the body
To flatten the tummy and reshape the body especially the tummy area
To shrink the womb back to the original shape and size
To heal the pain at the feet, body and improve the blood circulation
To treat muscle cramps and swelling
To prevent flatulence and expel gas from the body
To reduce the stress during the confinement period
Above are just some of the benefits of the hot compress. To know more in details, please click “See More” button down there.

3 Herbs Herbal Compress For Baby
valued at RM19.90
Mamita Care 3 Herbs Herbal Compress For Baby or “Tungku Bayi” in Malay language, is specially made for baby. Contain traditional herbs and spices, this herbal compress is meant to be applied to the tummy area. The main purposes of this herbal compress are:
To provide comfort and heat to the baby after bath
To extract trapped winds, bloating and to prevent flatulence to the baby
To avoid swollen after immunisation injection
Above are just some of the benefits of the Baby Herbal Compress. To know more in details, please click “See More” button down there.

Manjakani Soap
valued at RM19.90
Manjakani soap is used as cleanser to the intimate area to reduce the mucus, unpleasant odour and helping to reduce the white discharge in phases.
To know more in details about Manjakani Soap, please click “See More” button down there.

Herbal Bath
valued at RM49.90
A traditional blend of highly aromatic herbs rich with anti-inflammatory properties. Contains a blend of warming herbs. Refreshes, re-energises, and deodorises the body. Soothes tired and aching muscles and relieves minor skin problems. Promotes release of flatulence.
To know more in details about Herbal Bath, please click “See More” button down there.

Mini Rubber Hot Water Bag
valued at RM9.90
This mini rubber hot water bag is used as a temporary measure for aches and pains. During the confinement period, the pains normally come from breast engorgement and blocked ducts. Applying hot water bag to the breast area will help lessen the pains before massaging it to clear the blocked ducts.
The Benefits
The bag helps to reduce the pains due to breast engorgement during the confinement period
Hot water bottle can be used alone as a remedy for aches and pains
This rubber bag can retain heat for an extra long time
Above are just some of the benefits of the Rubber Bag. To know more in details, please click “See More” button down there.
how much is the postnatal care set?

- 1 bottle of 60 capsules Nature’s Secret for internal healing valued at RM88.00 … More info
- 1 piece of traditional ZIPPED Girdle or “Bengkung” for getting back in shape valued at RM79.90 … More info
- 1 bottle of 100ml Multi-Herb Oil for relieving aches and pains valued at RM69.90 … More info
- 1 bottle of 100ml Massage Oil for massaging problematic areas valued at RM49.90 … More info
- 1 unit of 3 Herbs Hot Compress for baby to relieve trapped winds, bloating and to prevent flatulence to the baby valued at RM19.90 … More info
- 1 unit of 7 Herbs Microwaveable Herbal Compress for mommy to relieve muscular aches and pains and improve blood circulation valued at RM49.90 … More info
- 1 unit of Mini Rubber Hot Water Bag for relieving aches and pains especially for blocked ducts issue valued at RM9.90 … More info
- 1 unit of Manjakani Soap for intimate cleaning purposes valued at RM19.90 … More info
- 1 set of Herbal Bath (3 pieces of mixed herbs and leaves) for freshening the body after the child birth valued at RM49.90 … More info

- 1 bottle of 60 capsules Nature’s Secret for internal healing valued at RM88.00 … More info
- 1 piece of traditional ZIPPED Girdle or “Bengkung” for getting back in shape valued at RM79.90 … More info
- 1 bottle of 100ml Multi-Herb Oil for relieving aches and pains valued at RM69.90 … More info
- 1 bottle of 100ml Massage Oil for massaging problematic areas valued at RM49.90 … More info
- 1 unit of 3 Herbs Hot Compress for baby to relieve trapped winds, bloating and to prevent flatulence to the baby valued at RM19.90 … More info
- 1 unit of 7 Herbs Microwaveable Herbal Compress for mommy to relieve muscular aches and pains and improve blood circulation valued at RM49.90 … More info
- 1 unit of Mini Rubber Hot Water Bag for relieving aches and pains especially for blocked ducts issue valued at RM9.90 … More info

- 1 bottle of 60 capsules Nature’s Secret for internal healing valued at RM88.00 … More info
- 1 piece of traditional ZIPPED Girdle or “Bengkung” for getting back in shape valued at RM79.90 … More info
- 1 bottle of 100ml Multi-Herb Oil for relieving aches and pains valued at RM69.90 … More info
- 1 bottle of 100ml Massage Oil for massaging problematic areas valued at RM49.90 … More info
- 1 unit of 3 Herbs Hot Compress for baby to relieve trapped winds, bloating and to prevent flatulence to the baby valued at RM19.90 … More info
I know what you are thinking …
I am a masseuse and my grandmother was a masseuse. Her mother, that is my great grandmother was a masseuse. We live and practice traditional massage and confinement generations after generations. If my words do not convince you, listen to others who have benefited from my products and services.
Gine Eee, my customer who has benefitted from my previous product called V-Tight Secret, now known as Nature’s Secret. I include Nature’s Secret in my Diamond Postnatal Care Set only. Listen to her …
Below are some of my customers who benefitted from my massage services. To read more about them, please click the button below.

Contact me now!
Please WhatsApp me @ 010-812 6050 for any inquiries pertaining to MAMITA CARE POSTNATAL CARE SET or you can fill up any of your questions in the contact form provided.

OR alternatively, you can chit chat with me online by clicking the button down below
Contact me @ 010-812 6050

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Mamita Care is not affiliated with any organisations or individuals. Used to be known as Mamita Massage from May 2016 to August 2018.
Contact me at +6010-812 6050 for further details.